translated from Spanish: A man lives in fear because he’s been getting pizzas for nine years without asking for them.

Jean Van Landeghem, a 65-year-old Dutch man, has been frightened for almost a decade to receive pizzas by delivery without his consent. The case became famous by giving a note to a local newspaper in the country. It all started nine years ago “Suddenly, a pizza delivery guy gave me a lot of them. The thing is that I hadn’t asked for anything,” he says, saying that, at first, he thought it was an error in the address, however, when he called the restaurant they assured him that the address was the right one.” and went on with the story. 

“They come at all hours, no matter what it’s on weekdays or weekends,” he explains. “Orders come from an app, Turnhout (for home food), but also from shops in the area. There have been times that I have been given pizzas at two in the morning”, Which makes him very uncomfortable and so he declares to be frightened, since he has no choice but to refuse food. The situation of harassment, created a kind of phobia, the constant orders at home, as well as the different and derisory schedules do not let him rest, with regard to this said:
“I can’t sleep anymore. I start shaking every time I hear a motorbike on the street.” 

He once recounted receiving 10 delivery men in one day, who came to his house and he was sorry, not only for the money, that he never paid anything, because he always rejects orders, but for the waste of food as restaurants must throw it away. He said, “That day I did the check and it was like 450 bucks.” Van Landeghem, is not the only one suffering this, but also a neighbor from the same neighborhood, with which she contacts and says, “Sometimes we receive them the same day, so if it happens, we warn each other that we have a delivery that probably appears at some point,” she explains. Despite having made different allegations to the police, no one has been able to identify the person responsible or determine what is happening. “I can’t take it anymore. If I find whoever’s been bothering me for the last nine years, let’s just say it won’t be their best day,” he says.

Original source in Spanish

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