translated from Spanish: ISP warns of illicit sale of “medicines” to lose weight on the Internet

The Institute of Public Health of Chile (ISP) detected the sale of counterfeit drugs that are marketed through the Internet and social networks, these are products called Sentis and Elvenir, from Teva Argentina, which claim to contain Phentermine Hydrochloride 37.5mg in its formulation. However, both correspond to counterfeit products, which are not manufactured by the above laboratory and do not have sanitary authorization in Chile or Argentina.
Phentermine is an appetite inhibitor whose approved therapeutic indication is the short-term treatment of obesity, along with a dietary regimen to reduce body weight based on caloric restriction, exercise and modification of eating habits, in patients with a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 27 Kg/m2. They are usually people who have risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.
Heriberto García director(s) of the PSI noted that “the Institute has received notifications of adverse reactions caused by Phentermine, such as: tachycardia, agitation, anxiety, general discomfort, dry mouth, among others. Therefore, this medicine must be purchased from pharmacies and by prescription check to ensure that there is an adequate prescription.”
In connection with this alert, the National Pharmacovigilance Center recently received a notification of suspected adverse reaction to Sentis whose origin was declared Teva Argentina, and which was purchased in Chile, through Facebook. When consumed, the person developed heart attack-like symptoms, with tachycardia, headache, nausea and a feeling of choking, which is why she was hospitalized.

Original source in Spanish


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