translated from Spanish: Superintendent Macias acknowledges 10% withdrawal errors, but says contingency “has been adequately confronted”

The superintendent of Pensions, Osvaldo Macías, was present on Thursday at the Working Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, where he defended the process of withdrawing 10% of the planned funds despite some irregularities that have been recorded.
In statements collected by Emol, Macías reported that 9% of applications have been rejected and another 7% were paid for in delays. In this regard, he argued that this contingency “has been adequately confronted, enormous efforts have been made to make this work well, but of course there are problems, because this is a massive operation.”
At the beginning of his speech, the superintendent said that “they look more, but it has only been 22 days since this constitutional reform – which allows the withdrawal of 10% of pension funds – was published in the Official Journal. It’s been a very intense day.”
Subsequently, Macías responded to complaints by Mps Alejandra Sepúlveda (FVRS), Tucapel Jiménez (PPD) and Gael Yeomans (CS) about affiliates who have been unable to withdraw their funds or breaches in the Instructions of the Superintendency.
In this regard, the authority emphasized that “this is a reform that was approved in the Chamber of Parliament on June 23rd in the afternoon and on June 30th was already being implemented”.
He added: “Are there mistakes? Of course there are mistakes, we have always said it, but we are working hard, we are really working hard to fix them. We want the silvers to reach people, we live in Chile, we go out on the street, we walk through it, we know the situation that people are going through. We don’t live in any bubbles, so what we want most is for money to reach people, but this can’t be done magically, but we have to work hard to make this work.”
The superintendent went on to point out that “in all these processes mistakes are made, it is impossible not to make them and when we observe bug fixes, we make the adjustments that correspond and fix them and we will continue to do so. In the end, this is a matter of time before – any mistakes – are fixed and the money reaches people, that’s what we all want.”
Finally, Osvaldo Macías remarked that “when there are 11 million people, there are errors in the RUT, there are identity cards that are blocked in the Civil Registry, there are people who left their license and because of the pandemic did not go looking for them, there are foreigners with documents that are not up to date, there are errors in the bank accounts that people put… then obviously we would like there to be no problem, but some problems there are.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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