translated from Spanish: Franco Martinez, the missing young man from Lomas de Zamora, was found dead

Franco Martínez, the young man from Lomas de Zamora who was missing since July 23, was found this Friday night hanging and hanged from a tree in the ecological reserve of the City of Buenos Aires and despite the doubts generated by his body, his sister confirmed it this morning.” Franco rests in peace. That fake scenario disguised as suicide, I don’t believe it. Let’s go find the truth. All murky from day 1,” his sister Lisset wrote on her social media, who recognized the body at 4 a.m., 48 hours after it was found by the police.

“In his trouser pocket was his ID and no one ever informed us. They made us wait to identify Franco until this Saturday, the day when CABA’s Attorney’s Office doesn’t answer our phones,” his relatives said.
“It is unacceptable for the Prosecutor’s Office to refuse to speak to us, to show us the results of the autopsy and to want to eliminate Franco’s body”

The 21-year-old left his home in Albertina, in the Lomas de Zamora party, on the afternoon of July 23 and the complaint about his disappearance was made 48 hours later. “On the day of his disappearance he had loaded his SUBE to make a round trip from Lomas de Zamora to CABA and had asked for another road permit to visit his sister Lisette in Admiral Brown. This proves that he had no intention of committing suicide,” his brothers explained.

And they added that the prosecutor in charge wants to “abruptly close the cause,” cremating the young man’s body under the suicide cover. For this reason the family rejected this hypothesis and demands a serious investigation. Through his lawyer, Alejandro Biondini, they requested the security camera footage, but that request was denied and they aspire to change the faceplate of the case to “homicide”.

Original source in Spanish

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