translated from Spanish: Thomas Zerón stole more than a billion pesos from the PGR: Gertz Manero

The Attorney General of the Republic, Alejandro Gertz Manero, assured that the former puppeteer of the Criminal Investigation Agency of the defunc Attorney General of the Republic, Tomas Zerón, “stole more than one billion” from that institution.
According to the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the former fugitive functionor is currently in Israel and the procedures for requesting his extradition have already begun. Animal Politics consulted the chancellery of the Hebrew country but to date has received no response.
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In Gertz Manero’s view, Zerón became “the official spokesman of the Federal Government and the principal orchestrator of all that lie and falsehood, carrying out absolutely reprehensible measures, without any legal control, or respect for the procedures to sustain a so-called “historical truth”, based on torture, falsehoods and illegalities with which reality was to be buried in order to evade its responsibilities”.
“Today it is important to note that the crimes committed by that individual did not do so free of charge, he had a payment. He collected and stole more than a billion pesos from the budget of the then Attorney General’s Office of the Republic, which he fraudulently subducted with several accomplices within the Institution, and with the attention of his superiors, as payment for his infamy,” Gertz Manero said.
“To protect his impunity, the institution made available about 50 police officers, and the entire administrative apparatus, to care for him and facilitate his looting,” he added.
The FGR headline assured that Zerón fled after the investigation began and “that huge peculado” was discovered.
So far the authorities have been claiming that Zerón fled after being charged with torture in the investigation into the disappearance of the 43 students.
Animal Politíco consulted the FGR on how many orders and for what crimes Zerón is exactly wanted, without getting an answer so far.
“We made extradition efforts with the Canadian authorities. But he immediately fled to Israel, a country that has already been asked for support, because his authorities know very well what human rights violations and the responsibilities of executioners and torturers mean, as is the case,” Gertz Manero said.
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Original source in Spanish

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