translated from Spanish: “Danger to Society”: Santiago Court of Appeals ratifies Alfonso Bulnes Concha’s pre-trial detention for brutal beating against Max Raide

By 3 votes in favor and 0 against, the First Chamber of the Court of Appeals of Santiago confirmed the pre-trial detention of José Alfonso Bulnes Concha and the night house arrest of Enrique Searle, for the alevoso attack on the gastronomic entrepreneur and formerpublisher of El Mostrador, Max Raide.
“The prosecution is doing a good job and the court is giving a good sign. I hope they move forward for justice,” said Raide, who lost some of his vision in his left eye to the beating.
The resolution adopted by Ministers Miguel Vázquez, Elsa Barrientos and Inelie Durán Medina dismissed the appeal filed by the aggressors and upheld without objection the ruling of the Fourth Warranty Court of Santiago that left José Alfonso Bulnes Concha on remand for being a danger to society.
Review here the decision of the First Chamber of the Court of Appeals of Santiago
Threats to witnesses
In parallel, this week, Raide’s defense filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office against those responsible for harassment and harassment of witnesses of the violent event, another edge that opened up in this case.
According to the versions of these same witnesses, the authors of these actions would be the brothers of the aggressor, Santiago Bulnes, former Undersecretary of National Goods of the first Government of Sebastián Piñera, and José Miguel Bulnes, current member of the Board of Directors of the Electoral Service (Servel).
One of these situations was embodied in part 2863, of the 37th Police Station in Vitacura, where the crime of Threats was reported. According to one of the eyewitnesses of the assault, Leonardo Vergara, who on the night of the first of October witnessed the events while developing his car caretator activity.
The witness claims to feel “threatened by several guys, who come to see me every day at work and come in a big, dark gray van, they ask for me. My co-workers tell me to be careful because they too have harassed them by asking them about me. I have pictures of the guy chasing me, and he’s the same one my teammates have seen. But he doesn’t come alone, he comes with other guys in other vans to pick me up.”
Nurtured prontuary
Max Raide Prunes – owner of the restaurant “El Europeo” and expublisher and current adviser to El Mostrador – filed a criminal complaint over the violent assault he suffered on the night of 1 October at the hands of Bulnes and Searle, a fact that occurred in the commune of Vitacura.
Bulnes also complies with the aggravation that she is on probation after being convicted by the Emilia Act after driving drunk, causing the death of a young man in 2017.
But Bulnes’s prontuary further because the media interference revealed that in 2016 he was accused of assaulting a young woman in a nightclub in Santiago Oriente. Despite the fact that the case generated diligence in the POI, the aggressive young woman eventually gave up the complaint before she entered court.
The subject was also involved in December 2009, according to documents of the judiciary, in incurring the crime of driving “under the influence of alcohol”, when the alluded to was a student, reveals the same means. Another case occurred in April 2012. That year, student Gabriel Acevedo, from Adolfo Ibáñez University, complained against him, because, after leaving a party at a campsite, Acevedo saw Bulnes with a group of people upset his sister’s companion, who was inside a car, to leave. Acevedo helped his sister, being beaten by Bulnes, who subsequently escaped.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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