translated from Spanish: Morelia government promotes with actions and programs the masification of sport

Morelia, Michoacán.- In order to contribute to the conservation of health and social welfare, by boosting the practice of physical activity, the Government of Morelia, through the Municipal Institute of Physical Culture and Sport (IMCUFIDE), has implemented a strategy of moreification of disciplines, both in units and in colony spaces, aimed at people of all ages.
In the administration headed by the municipal president, Raúl Morón Orozco, the practice and promotion of sport, has been a fundamental axis for the promotion of health, as well as the fight against addictions, by identifying in it, a tool to bring the morayders closer to a healthier life.
The Schools of Physical Activity for Integral Health, have been one of the pillars of the aforementioned strategy, where in addition to the basic characteristics of disciplines such as football, volleyball and basketball, among others, nutrition advice is also provided. Villas del Pedregal, Ignacio López Rayón, Buena Vista, Jaujillas, Lomas de Tzindurio, Villa Magna, Santa María de Guido and Cuto de la Esperanza, have been some of the settlements and holdings benefited from this activity.
In addition, as part of the actions for well-being, IMCUFIDE has increased its presence in colonies, through sporting events and in the face of the pandemic, has reinforced this aspect with the realization of information capsules to spread through its social networks, in which tips, routines and guidance on various sports are provided.
With the emergence of health contingency, IMCUFIDE chose to keep open its main sports units, such as Bicentenario, Miguel Hidalgo and Indeco, to ensure a safe space for the physical activity of the morelians; in this sense, it has worked hand in hand with health authorities, as well as various leagues, to create protocols that allow their development in accordance with the recommendations issued for the new normal.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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