translated from Spanish: Investigate teens for murder of two minors in Moctezuma, CDMX

Mexico City authorities reported an investigation into the crime of manslaughter in the case of two minors, 7 and 13, who were found dead on Sunday morning after suffering puncture gun injuries at a Moctezuma Second Section colony home, Mayor Venustiano Carranza.
In addition, a child under the age of 10 and a 27-year-old woman were injured, and a 14-year-old teenager who also had gunshot injuries was “insured.” 
A social representative, detailed the spokesman of the Capital Prosecutor’s Office, Ulysses Lara, will request a psychiatric and toxicological assessment “of the adolescent in conflict with the law”, and the results will form part of the investigation folder for the crime of murder.
“Around 06:22 a.m. this Sunday, police officers from the Secretariat of Citizen Security received, via radio, an emergency call so they moved to the referred address where neighbors applied to them as several people were injured by a white gun and paramedics were needed.
Immediately, the pre-emptive policemen requested the support of the emergency services, who showed up at the place where two under-sevens and 13-year-olds lost their lives to puncture gun wounds, while two others, one under the age of 10 and a 27-year-old woman, were injured, so they were transferred for hospital care,” the Prosecutor’s Office said.
“Inside the property, SSC police located a 14-year-old teenager with various gun injuries, who was insured to be made available to the specialized Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Prosecutor’s Office for Adolescents, who ordered his medical assessment in a pediatric hospital,” he added.
— CDMX Prosecutor’s Office (@FiscaliaCDMX) November 15, 2020

Earlier this month there was another fact of violence in which the victims were young, in Mexico City. A man carried human remains in a devil through the streets of central Mexico City; were the remains of Yair and Hector, two minors of indigenous origin.
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Original source in Spanish

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