translated from Spanish: They locate ‘crystal’ within the Multiwin company in Tijuana

Tijuana, Baja California.- Staff of the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office in Narcomenudeo confirmed the finding of methamphetamine, known as ‘crystal’, in the company Multiwin of Mexico, located in the Industrial Park La Joya in the city of Tijuana.De according to official information, was the Human Resources staff of the aforementioned company that reported to the State Security Guard the location of a substance with characteristics similar to the synthetic drug inside a plastic bag with airtight closure.
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The agents and expert elements, who came to the call, confirmed that the substance was a synthetic drug known as “crystal”, which gave a weight of 19.34 grams.

So far, the identity of the porciptariat of that substance has been unknown. Operating
After the report made around 19:00 on Thursday, an intense operation was implemented in the property that was handled with hermetism. This caused the disclosure of different versions far from reality. Some of the rumours that turned out to be false said that the police presence was due to a work accident with victims included.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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