translated from Spanish: Luana Volnovich specified PHIM’s role in the national vaccination campaign

The Executive Director of the Comprehensive Health Care Program (PAMI), Luana Volnovich, recently highlighted that the COVID-19 vaccination scheme expected to begin in the coming weeks will have a particular logistics, other than flu, while recommending that affiliated persons do the self-assessment of the “Check at Home” program health self-assessment.” The national government, the provincial governments, and of course PHIM, are preparing for the most important vaccination campaign in Argentine history. From PHIM we are working hard because affiliates are a population of risk,” Volnovich said.

“In the province of Buenos Aires, PAMI will vaccinate in long-term residences and we also plan to use the health units that we inaugurate in Bonaerense soil during the pandemic, such as the Hospitals del Bicentenario de Ituzaingó and Esteban Echeverría. In buenos Aires, on the other hand, vaccination days are also likely to take place in the agency’s agencies,” he said. Similarly, the former national legislator said that “there are still a few weeks to go before the vaccination campaign,” so she called on affiliated people to conduct the health self-assessment of the Checkate program at home. The owner of the social work explained that as a result of the pandemic, the elderly drastically reduced their visits to medical offices: “With this program we seek that affiliates and affiliates can carry out an online test, which allows us to develop the health status of the largest risky population.” At the moment, some 20,000 affiliated persons completed the questionnaire on the PAMI page that has already allowed the inpatients to be admitted quickly to a hospital. PAMI enabled an exclusive free line for inquiries about Covid-19: 138 – option 9

Original source in Spanish

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