translated from Spanish: Monotributo: the deadline for recategorization was extended until 31 January

The Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) decided to extend the deadline for recategorization in the monotribute until 31 January. The general decision, which will be given in the coming days, will not affect the obligation of recategorisation and taxpayers must register in the category that suits their parameters. Initially, the deadline for the 6-monthly recategorization of those who had changes in their turnover or in one of the parameters was stipulated for January 20.

The fundraiser ensures that the objective of the grace period is to “offer relief from the situation of uncertainty in the face of recategorization with the tables in force”. It is that in the last period small taxpayers and accountants had requested an extension amid concern about the recategorization of the absence of updating the scales. >

January’s recategorization should be done with the calculation of invoicings from the updated tables according to the mobility formula during the previous year, but by 2020 that formula was suspended, since retirees had by decree increases that were not uniform for the entire population. In that scenario, Alberto Fernández’s administration decided to make an update based on the minimum up to the credit, located at 35.3%, but for this to take effect a law sent to Congress must be passed at the end of last December.

Original source in Spanish

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