translated from Spanish: Senate approved project that allows you to change last name order

The initiative, which was dispatched for its third procedure in the lower house, had been entered into Congress 16 years ago and according to one of the parliamentarians who promoted it, Adriana Muñoz, over 18 years of age will also be able to access the amendment.

The Senate room approved and dispatched to third formality in the lower house the project that allows by common agreement to prepend the surname of the mother to that of the father when his newborn children are registered. The initiative had been admitted to Congress 16 years ago and according to one of the parliamentarians who promoted it, Adriana Muñoz, the over-18s will also be able to do so. “The other thing that states that through administrative and non-judicial channels, as is done today, people over the age of 18 can change the surname by putting the surname before that of the mother to the father’s, without having to do that cumbersome procedure that is done today and without the costs that it has,” he said. He also commented that today “there are many sons and daughters who are already growing up and this single mother who is often abandoned, with great effort and with great sacrifice, brings her children forward. They want to pay tribute to her and want to honor her by recognizing her as the person who allowed them to develop.” The initiative also includes being able to change their surnames to that of their grandparents or grandmothers. The only exclusion is for persons who have been convicted of justice or are charged with a case.

Original source in Spanish

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