translated from Spanish: “Agent Topo” team travels to Los Angeles to participate in Academy Awards ceremony

The “Agent Topo” team is traveling to Los Angeles to attend the Academy Awards ceremony, as the national film is nominated for Best Documentary. The trip was approved by the Chilean and US authorities.
Director Maite Alberdi, producer Marcela Santibáñez and protagonist Sergio Chamy – who has both doses of the coronavirus vaccine – are already on the plane that will drop them off in the North American country.
Chamy himself, Agent Mole, posted the fact to his Instagram account. “I tell you they proposed a new mission to me and they don’t know all the laps I gave him. I didn’t make up my mind, but I thought about the way people talk about older people,” he wrote.
“Today at the age of 87 I set out on my first trip and go to Los Angeles to represent Agent Mole at the Oscars. I want to represent those who know that at this stage we can start over and that it is never too late for anything. And those who don’t believe it, to motivate them!” he added.
The film is about Sergio, an octogenarian who undertakes a mission commissioned by Detective Rómulo Aitken (former agent of The Office, which caused a controversy with the film). Your task is to enter a nursing home and recognize the state in which the mother of an Aitken client is located.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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