translated from Spanish: Lorenzo Córdova betrays his father’s ideals for revenge with AMLO: Misael García

home Michoacán Lorenzo Córdova betrays his father’s ideals for revenge with AMLO: Misael García

Morelia, Michoacán.- “Lorenzo Córdoba not only betrays all Mexicans by blocking democracy through the INE in contention with councillor Murayama, but also betrays his father who studied at Michoacana University and was founder of brunette,” said Misael García Vázquez, member of Morenos de Corazón
The also democracy activist, recalled that, Arnaldo Córdova, Lorenzo’s father, was an unattainable social fighter and left-wing man who actively participated within the defunc Unified Socialist Party of Mexico (PESUM), in the PRD and in the latter stage of his life was founder of Morena, giving full support to the now President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his project of the Fourth Transformation.
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Otherwise, Lorenzo Córdova started a fight through the INE to initiate a personal vendetta with Andrés Manuel López Obrador removing the candidacies of Professor Raúl Morón Orozco and Félix Salgado Macedonio, knowing that Michoacán and Guerreros are historically left-wing status and now key to the consolidation of Morena.
“It is very important to tell Mexicans to keep fighting and not allow a vendetta by Lorenzo Córdova against our President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to impact all democracy in Mexico.”
He said he fully confirmed that the Electoral Tribunal of the Federation Judiciary (TEPJF) would agree with Morena and return the nominations to Raúl Morón Orozco and Félix Salgado Macedonio.

Original source in Spanish


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