translated from Spanish: Corruption-free construction: Ivan Pérez Negrón

Morelia, Michoacán.- A construction without corruption and without moches in Morelia, proposes the candidate Iván Pérez Negrón, during the meeting with the National Chamber of the Construction Industry in Morelia (CMIC).
“Zero moches, ” said the standard-bearer of the “Together We Will Make History” coalition of MORENA-PT, heading for the mayorality of Morelia; “Together with the CMIC, with honesty and transparency, we are going to create a plan that makes Morelia a sustainable, productive and including city by detonating real social and productive infrastructure projects that allow companies to be generating more jobs and these are well paid for,” he said.
It added that it was necessary to rescue the social economy for the welfare of the moreals, so he proposed that there be financing for companies, the creation of a business office and liaison, as well as a window of formalities and services for operating and municipal construction licenses.
 “Morelia needs results and we know how to do it,” he said, referencing her more than 25 years of political and academic career.
Work for economic revival continues in the same direction, between the government and the business sector, giving preference to local suppliers, for the benefit of hiring and better wages for the morelians.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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