translated from Spanish: It’s time for women to achieve the fourth transformation: Yolanda Guerrero.

home Michoacán It’s time for women to achieve the fourth transformation: Yolanda Guerrero.

Equandureo, Mich. – Through a statement with a strong discourse towards women’s empowerment, the candidate for federal deputy for District 5 Zamora with the Morena party, Yolanda Guerrero Barrera, in an encounter with women in the community of Chiringicharo
“Women are more hardened, more honest, more stubborn, but above all better administrator, so it’s time for women to achieve the fourth transformation in District 5 and Equandureo,” was part of the statement.
Accompanied by the candidate for municipal president by Ecuandureo, Maricela Hernández, Yolanda Guerrero visited the most remote places in the community, reaching neighborhoods such as the so-called Black Light District, where according to locals it is a place where few politicians want to enter.
As they passed through different streets of the town, the applicants received response from the people, where they even emphasized wanting to join what is missing from the campaign and reminded them of the functions of a federal deputy, so that they know that they have to be held accountable for the work they do in the Union Congress.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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