translated from Spanish: Brunette requests federal security intervention to shield Michoacán election

Mexico City.- The State Executive Committee of Morena, through its leader, Raúl Morón Orozco, requested the intervention of the National Guard, and the federal security forces that are necessary, to shield the optimal development of the elections of June 6, at the risk that the Government of Michoacán intends to exert pressure on the vote of the Michoacans.
“In Michoacán you can feel an atmosphere of hope at the imminent arrival, this June 6, of the Fourth Transformation. However, this environment is being affected by illegal, authoritarian and cheating meddling from the State Government, which, through threats, lies, coercion and dispendment, is trying to influence the outcome of the election,” Morena’s state leader said at a press conference in Mexico City.
Accompanied by the national president of the party, Mario Delgado Carrillo, as well as the standard-bearer of the Together We Will History coalition in Michoacán, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla; the morenist leader considered that the pressure exerted by the state government “responds to an understandable concern of the governor, Silvano Aureoles Conejo, but above all to his despair at the imminent defeat and loss of his privileges, but we cannot allow the freedom and the right of the people to continue to be violated.”
Therefore, the need for federal security forces to participate in the armour of next June 6 elections, under the intention of enforcing the will of the electorate, whose tendency, he remarred, is aimed at consolidating 4T in the state.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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