translated from Spanish: Health recognizes 4,272 more deaths from COVID; 92% occurred in 2020

Health authorities confirmed 4, 272 more deaths from COVID-19 to the national cumulative, which is already 227,840 deaths recognized by the disease.
In a press conference, the director general of Epidemiology, José Luis Alomía, said that this increase in statistics is due to the confirmation of suspicious deaths from the virus that were recently ruled.
According to the health official, 3,924 newly confirmed deaths occurred at the start of the pandemic (92%), while 348 occurred in recent weeks.

Why were there 4,272 deaths from COVID on June 1? ?
— Animal Politico (@Pajaropolitico) June 2, 2021

Last April, the Ministry of Health acknowledged that 248 thousand people have died in addition to the 196 thousand reported with COVID infection until March 6, 2021. This means that in total, more than 444 thousand people have died due to the coronavirus pandemic in the country, according to the federal government’s excess mortality estimate.

Authorities also estimate that 2 million 605,303 people have become ill from COVID since the beginning of the epidemic.
However, they estimate that 18,108 (0.7%) they are active cases due to recent symptoms.
25% of the population, vaccinated against COVID
According to figures from the agency, 30 million 990 thousand 908 vaccines against COVID-19 have been applied.
This implies that 22 million 43 thousand 213 people have already received at least one dose against the virus (25% of the adult population in Mexico).
On May 31, 511,334 doses were applied throughout the country.


COVID-19 cases and deaths in Mexico

Updated information with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

Data from February 27, 2020, when the first case was confirmed in the country.

Note: on October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the record 2,789 more deaths, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

New CASES OF COVID-19 in Mexico

Updated information with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

Data from February 27, 2020, when the first case was confirmed in the country.

Note: on October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the record 2,789 more deaths, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

Confirmed deaths from COVID-19 in Mexico

Updated information with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

*They do not correspond to the day they occurred, but to the day they were added to the total record of deaths. Data from February 27, 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the country.

Note: on October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the record 2,789 more deaths, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

List of COVID-19 cases in Mexico

Updated information with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

Data from February 27, 2020, when the first case was confirmed in the country.

Note: on October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the record 2,789 more deaths, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

Daily percentage increase in confirmed cases

Updated information with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

Increase in

compared to the previous day

This graph shows the acceleration of the epidemiological curve since March 1.

The first confirmed case in the country was on February 27, 2020.

Note: on October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that time and added to the registry 2,789 more deaths, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

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Original source in Spanish

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