translated from Spanish: Maldonado asks Narváez for “consistency” after summoning Senator Provoste to define presidential candidacy

The presidential candidate and helmsman of the Radical Party, Carlos Maldonado, asked for “consistency” from the standard-bearer of the Socialist Party (PS), PPD and New Deal, Paula Narvaez, after she summoned the president of the Senate, Yasna Provoste, to make it transparent and define whether she will aspire to the presidency of the country.
“It is essential for transparency vis-reaching our country that she can decide whether she is going to be a presidential candidate,” Narvaez said on June 3. In this regard, Maldonado indicated that “to ask for definitions, you first have to show consistency,” says Emol.
“It seems to me that asking other parties or people for definitions, when, being supported by three parties, Paula did not have the will to sign legal primaries, is at least an inconsistency,” the Radical Party president continued.
“Everyone will take their definitions in due course, and it is the citizenry that will evaluate who was, and who was not, up to the task,” he added.
On the possibility of making conventional (not legal) primaries, Maldonado said that “they are paper primaries, a bad substitute, that does not deserve to be offered to the citizens.”

The content of this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish

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