translated from Spanish: PRI, PAN and PRD confirm legislative bloc and open door for alliance in 2024

Two days after the elections, the presidents of the parties of the opposition alliance Va por México, made up of the PRI, PAN, and PRD, gave a conference to show off what they considered their electoral success by taking away the qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies from Morena and his allies, and to guarantee that they will be united in Congress and maintain their union for the next three years.
They even opened the door to continue repeating the alliance in the following electoral processes, including the one in 2024, where the presidency is renewed.
Read: With loss of governorships and votes, PRI and PRD blur from electoral map

“It has been a success, it is powerful and this coalition did succeed in 2021, without a doubt and building agreements and step by step will have results in 2022, in 2023 and why not, in 2024,” said Alejandro Moreno, national leader of the PRI.
Jesus Zambrano, of the PRD, added that the achievements they are obtaining will give them “the confidence to reach the 24th together as well.”
PAN[National Action Party]member Marko Cortes announced that he has appointed Santiago Creel and Jorge Romero, who are arriving in the new legislature through a plurinominal route, to begin negotiating with all the parties. While the PRD, to Luis Espinoza Cházaro.

Moreno boasted that the coalition achieved 42% in the Chamber of Deputies and that his party will have more than 70 deputies, which represents a growth of 4 times more than the districts they won in 2018. He also said that when he took over the leadership of the party, they had 8% of the vote, and instead now they achieved 18%.
He said, like the other leaders, that the big loser in the election is Morena, that he will no longer be able to have a qualified majority to “continue destroying” the country, and that autonomous bodies are safe.
“We are in a strong and firm coalition in Congress. We are going to work in a coordinated way. We are going with the aim of building agreements and consensuses as long as they are in favor of Mexico. Dialogues in the public with everyone; agreements in the dark with no one,” he said.
PRD[Party of the Democratic Revolution]member Zambrano was the only one who acknowledged that as a party they had not obtained better results, but that they did not lose the registration (with the minimum required of 3 percent of the vote), as his opponents and some political analysts speculated. He said that going it alone, as “another party” (in reference to The Citizens’ Movement) that performed better, would not have achieved what the alliance as a whole advanced.
When asked by the media whether this time there will not be deputies who will move from his bloc to that of Morena, he said that there are signed commitments and this will not be the case. He said that rather both MC and the Green Party will have to make it clear whether they will join the bloc of what Morena tries to push or not.
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Original source in Spanish

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