translated from Spanish: CDMX. One dead and one wounded after brawl in Central de Abasto

Mexico City.- Officers of the Secretariat of Citizen Security arrested a subject responsible for causing the immediate death of a worker after a brawl in front of a vegetable and vegetable store in the Central de Abasto, in addition to having seriously injured a second person who prevented his escape. The events occurred on Friday morning inside a warehouse in hall K, when the assailant pulled out a sharp knife and attacked the 26-year-old victim, who died instantly at the scene.
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After committing the assault, the subject escaped but a second person, a worker of the same premises and partner of the fatal victim, chased him to prevent him from fleeing the place giving him reach in hallway I but was wounded in the abdomen. He was transferred to the General Hospital of Iztapalapa.Read more: Covid-19 vaccine: Immunized 21 thousand 186 pregnant women in the CDMXDETENCION
After a quick search with video surveillance cameras in various corridors of the Central de Abasto, the officers of the SSC arrested the aggressor of both victims with a knife of 20 centimeters in length. The detainee was handed over to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

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