translated from Spanish: Rocío Toscano questioned the precautionary measure granted to Luis Gnecco and criticized his role as an actor in “El Presidente”

Through her official Instagram account, actress Rocío Toscano harshly criticized Luis Gnecco saying that “he should be in jail.” Through her “stories” of the social network, the interpreter gave her opinion on the arrest of her peer and expressed that “Cacharon that Luis Gnecco is defended by Piñera’s lawyer? He was released. They did not formalize it properly. He’s not going to be in jail. More on top, with prohibition to approach the victim. What does the justice of this country smell?”.” For some it works perfect, but for most people it doesn’t. What’s the hueá like? It is good that the madman has contacts, but that hueón should be in prison, it is a danger to society,” he said. Toscano also criticized Gnecco for his performance in the series “El Presidente”, where he played the president of Colombian football.” More on top of that they cacharon his nefarious role that he did in El Presidente, that is to say the madman had to play Colombian and gave the cacha, we had Andrés Parra, an actorazo of Colombian origin and he had to play Chilean and it was spectacular, and this hue… giving the cacha, how can you not study one day as the Colombians speak?, it was horrible, “he closed.

Original source in Spanish


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