translated from Spanish: There will be a drill on June 21 at CDMX: these are the recommendations

Under the hypothesis of a large earthquake, a drill will be held in Mexico City on June 21.
First, the capital’s government had announced that the drill would be on May 16, but in order to advance the national vaccination plan and not affect the scheduled days, the date of the drill was changed to June 21.
June 21
The general hypothesis is as follows: Time 11:30 in the morning. Magnitude of 8.1, with a location of the epicenter 4 kilometers south of Papayo, Guerrero, 296 km from CDMX.

Read: Double error in triggering seismic alert; more than 900 poles fail
The depth of the quake will be 30 kilometers with a “very strong” perception in Mexico City and the hypothetical warning time will be 60 seconds.
At 11:30 in the morning the seismic alert will be activated and the simulation will begin, and then activate the protocol of action of the Seismic Emergency Plan by detonating SMS messages.

Then the mobilization of the members of the Emergency Committee to the Crisis Room (C5) and the territorial deployment will begin.
The Rescue and Medical Emergencies Squadron (ERUM) will be in the Zócalo of the capital, where an exercise of works will be carried out to extract victims in collapsed structures and will have personnel specialized in Search and Rescue.

⚠️ | On June 21 at 11:30 am the first #SimulacroNacional2021 will be held:
Remember to keep this information in mind. ?
— Political Animal (@Pajaropolitico) June 17, 2021

From 11:40 a.m. to 11:55 a.m., the pyramidal structure report will be made through SMS and WhatsApp groups. In addition, the Emergency Committee will be installed in the C5. A report will be followed.
That day, the 12,826 speakers of the C5 in Mexico City will be activated with the seismic alert.
In addition to listening to the alarm on the speakers, it will also be activated in televisions and radio stations that have the service, as well as in the reception equipment of the seismic alert.
The speakers that were detected with faults during the previous audio tests will be ready for the day of the drill.
If people find that it doesn’t sound, they should report the abnormalities back to 911.
The capital’s government stressed that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, those who participate in the drill will have to observe protective measures such as wearing blankets and maintain a healthy distance during the eviction of buildings.
The authorities recalled that the registration to register real estate or offices remains open on the page of the drill. 

? | Remember: next Monday, June 21, there will be a drill at the CDMX, which will begin at 11:30 in the morning and the 12,826 speakers of the capital’s C5 will be activated.
As part of the drill, also prepare your emergency kit, like this?:
— Political Animal (@Pajaropolitico) June 18, 2021

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Original source in Spanish

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