translated from Spanish: Squatters, demuelen the house that gave life to the series

The furor for Squatters invades our territory again, but the success is accompanied by sad news. Since the popular house that served as a façade to start the history of Ricardo, Pollo, Walter and El Chiqui, is for sale for $ s 1.45 million and is marketed as land to build there homes. The series produced by Ideas del Sur, is the most watched netflix that added it to its remastered catalog, as it dates back 21 years. Only 11 chapters were enough to record in the Argento DNA, idioms, phrases and scenes that were immortalized. However the news of the sale of the property generates a dismay for old fans and those who are discovering history for the first time.

Today, his forehead is boarded up. Little can be seen of its wooden door, full of graffiti and inscriptions of the time. “It’s the same building that starts on the corner and also contains a bar. Its owner put all the land for sale three years ago, “explained from Lounge Properties, the real estate agency that markets the property.” The property is for sale since the bar, well known in the area, closed. Its owner sells the entire land as a lot to build a residential building there. And, throughout these years, the price remained stable,” they explained at the real estate brokerage firm. If we refer to the real estate website dating on the property that is 50 years old, its state of abandonment is very advanced. That is why, today, it is offered only to demolish and build a new building there. However, the house, in reality, is not a single scenario. The first scene takes place in Congress, at Passage Rivarola 4221. But the façade that, throughout the series, is issued is that of this house in a state of abandonment in Barrio Norte, in the Pasaje Del Carmen, meters from Viamonte.No however the scenes inside were filmed in a house in San Fernando, north of the Buenos Aires Conurbano. You want to know more about Okupas, look at the interview that Julio Leiva conducted with the protagonists, who revived the streets where they filmed, the most memorable scenes and the sensations 21 years later.

Original source in Spanish

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