translated from Spanish: Axel Krygier released his new album: “Axelotl”

Axelotl is Axel Krygier’s new album: samplers, analog synthesizers, programming and altered vocals result in a sonority that undoubtedly bears his signature. This work -the sixth of his solo career- is edited by Los Años Luz Discos, and was conceived from “chaotic and danceable”, the solo set with which he performed during the last years.

Key in the process of creating the new material was the interaction with producer Emilio Haro, who in addition to seeking greater clarity and depth in the sound, also pushed Axel to delve into the compositional work.

“The title of the album is a hybridization of my name with the Mexican Axolotl, whom I met in my adolescence thanks to the story of Julio Cortázar. It’s kind of like an amphibious metamorphosis of myself,” Krygier confessed.

Axelotl is proposed in two parts of a well-differentiated character: an “A side”, with highly energetic and danceable themes, and a meditative “B-side” crossed by the soundscapes. Thus, Axel Kygier goes through the album and tells about each theme:

1. Swedish Rhapsody: “electro/sampladelia made from sound files used in overseas radio espionage during the Cold War”.
2. Bom Bam Bam: “kind of electronic dub, where a chorus of cheerful zombies announce the harangue of a revolutionary leader.”
3. Burning me in the sun: “a song in an electro clash key, with a lyric that has no hope”.
4. The Eel: “a dub-step where the ghostly comes from sleep and the sea. Loss and sublimation.”
5. Chiwawa: “Inspired by 8-bit chiptunes, this theme is still waiting for its video game.”

SIDE B 6. Doña realidad: “folk freak of existential suspense”.
7. Pilgrim Indian: “soundscape of the flooded Puna, a submarine commanded by former Bolivian comedians”.
8. Let him touch: “the journey of the PILGRIM INDIAN arrives on dry land and dances a shuffle”.
9. Mantra raya: “we return to the water for this soft polyrhythmic and smiling dance”.

Original source in Spanish

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