UDLAP Community Marches Again to Demand Campus Released

Students and professors of the University of the Americas Puebla (UDLAP) protested for the second time this month, to demand the liberation of the campus, which has been taken over by state police and private security since June 19.
According to reports from Lado B, the demonstrators gathered in the vicinity of the Puebla Congress, where Governor Miguel Barbosa was giving his work report, so a security fence prevented the passage of the march.

#AHORA | Oppressive government let me study! Students of the #UDLAP say while @MBarbosaMX gives its 3rd report in the @CongresoPue; the student community demands the liberation of the campus as promised.
Video: @ovalehm pic.twitter.com/uBt1soW3Vl
— LadoB (@ladobemx) December 14, 2021

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Faced with the refusal, the UDLAP community marched around the Puebla zócalo, Casa Aguayo and the Attorney General’s Office for more than three and a half hours, demanding dialogue with the authorities.

#AHORA 📢| Faced with the @FiscaliaPuebla, Ricardo Nevarez, leader of the Collective of Parents and Students of the #UDLAP, asks that the @Segob_Puebla convene a public dialogue at Aguayo house tomorrow with the #UDLAP community. https://t.co/kibUt0DxtB Video: @ovalehm pic.twitter.com/tyofFFGtUV
— LadoB (@ladobemx) December 14, 2021

In addition, they expressed their rejection of the appointment of Armando Ríos Piter as rector of the University, and requested the return of the campus to Cecilia Anaya Berrios, who is recognized by the university community as the interim rector, the media detailed.
The protest was called after an agreement they had reached with authorities on December 9 was breached, when an agreement was announced to reopen the facilities and resume face-to-face activities.
With information from Side B
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Original source in Spanish

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