Mexico adds 51,368 new cases of COVID; go 303 thousand 85 deaths

The Ministry of Health reported 51,368 new cases of COVID in the country, bringing the total to 4,646,957 infections since the pandemic began.
According to the daily technical report, it indicated that 364 confirmed deaths from coronavirus were reported, which adds up to 303,085 deaths from the disease.
The states that accumulate the highest number of infections are Mexico City, State of Mexico, Nuevo León, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Tabasco, Sonora, Puebla, San Luis Potosí and Veracruz, which together make up 64% of all accumulated cases in the country.

In the last five weeks, most coronavirus infections are recorded in the 18-29 age groups, followed by those aged 30 to 39 and 40 to 49 years.
Read: López-Gatell under the magnifying glass: judge orders FGR to investigate him for COVID deaths
The agency reported that there are currently 362,512 active cases and 625,712 suspects; Baja California Sur, Mexico City, Tabasco, Colima and Nayarit are the entities with the most active cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.

Diario #COVID19 | Technical Communiqué January 22, 2022
— SALUD Mexico (@SSalud_mx) January 23, 2022

On the vaccination strategy, the agency reported that 83 million 271 thousand 518 people have been vaccinated against COVID, of them, 76 million 446 thousand 547 have a complete scheme, that is, 93%.
While 6 million 824 thousand 971 people have been vaccinated with new schemes, that is, 7%
Read: COVID: What went wrong with the global vaccination plan?
The Ministry of Health indicated that the hospital network nationwide shows a 71% reduction in occupancy, compared to the highest point of the second epidemic wave in January 2021.
He added that in the last 24 hours the occupancy of general beds increased 2 percentage points and stands at 41%, while the demand for beds with mechanical ventilator increased one point and stands at 24%.
He asked the population to maintain basic prevention measures: healthy distance, frequent hand washing with soap and water or application of alcohol-gel, correct use of masks and ventilation in enclosed spaces.
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Original source in Spanish

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