They aspire to link young people with the business sector in Guamúchil

Guamúchil, Sinaloa.- Through the Mexican Model of Dual Training (MMFD) will seek to eradicate the problems faced by thousands of young people when they graduate from their school preparation and enter the world of work, said the general director of Conalep Sinaloa, Wilfredo Véliz Figueroa, who in a pleasant talk with Sales and Marketing Executives of Guamúchil, A.C. announced to a group of prominent businessmen in the city the new modality of work that is being implemented in different campuses of the National College of Technical Professional Education (Conalep) and that it aspires to apply to the campuses of the Évora region through an agreement signing. The Mexican Model of Dual Training is a new student modality that, inspired by a German model, aims to link theoretical training with practical training. It consists of a model that alternates learning in the classroom and in a work space simultaneously, with the aim that the student can know in advance their productive environment, opening a panorama for their job opportunities. Véliz Figueroa stressed that around 5,000 young people have already been trained in this educational option, which involves a formal process where the student enters the business world as an active practitioner. He also stressed that approximately 30 percent of the young people who participate in this program find job opportunities in the companies where they carried out their activities, at the end of their school practices. Culiacán, Mazatlán and other municipalities in the south of the state are some that already have the implementation of this model. Wilfredo Véliz mentioned that they estimate to integrate 500 young people into the business sector at the state level. “This is a win-win, it benefits young people but also companies, so we hope to enter 60 young people in this modality here in the region,” he said. For his part, the mayor of Salvador Alvarado, Armando Camacho Aguilar, mentioned: “One of the shortcomings of the Mexican education system has been the lack of linkage with the productive sectors, so this model will be a watershed.” Read more: Price of the flower increased 60% for this February 14 in Salvador AlvaradoAs well, he reported that, although it has not been formalized, the Federal Government has already given its word to grant support for the construction of the Salvador Alvarado extension campus, which will be located in the Valle Bonito subdivision. “He is enraged, beside himself,” Loret de Mola replies to AMLO for displaying his alleged salary.

Original source in Spanish

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