5 tips so you don’t waste more food in your kitchen

They say out there that wasting food is one of the worst things you can do, with so many people not having access to good food. Surely you do not have this habit, but have you thought of ways to make the most of the perishable products in your pantry? In this note we give you 5 practical tips to reduce waste to a minimum. Read more: Economical and nutritious: seasonal fruits and vegetables for the month of February1. A good storage technique can extend the shelf life of your food, and it is much simpler than you imagine: you just have to wrap them in newspaper or a cloth napkin and then store them in a bag, preferably resealable. This tip is especially useful for leafy vegetables, such as lettuce, coriander or spinach, however it benefits any product by keeping it fresher.2. Take advantage of the leftover vegetables Peel the potatoes, take the corner of the carrots, remove the outer layers of the onion, do not use the top of the tomato, when you cut the broccoli you get rid of the stem … we could continue, there are many parts of vegetables that we do not use and simply end up in the trash. Instead, keep them in the freezer and when you have a good amount, prepare a broth with them, it will be a rich and nutritious base for some soup.3. Peel ginger with spoon Ginger is a spice that is increasingly used. This is good news, as it boasts many health benefits. But are you wasting some of its pulp by peeling it? If you do it with a knife, then you are undoubtedly letting go of part of the root. Try peeling it with a spoon, you will see how easily the shell comes off without taking pieces along the way.4. Banana to ripen other fruits Sometimes we buy fruits that are not yet ripe, with the intention that they are preserved for longer. However, sometimes it happens that it is counterproductive and the food does not ripen on its own, or has not finished its maturation process when we want to consume it. To correct this, keep the fruit you want to ripen in a paper bag along with a banana. Thanks to its ethylene emissions, the maturation process will be accelerated. Read more: Learn about 3 varieties of vegetable milk and how to prepare them5. Potato to absorb salt The most common culinary accident: we missed the salt measure. Instead of resigning yourself to eating a nasty dish or just throwing away the food, try adding a whole, shelled potato to the preparation. It will absorb the excess salt and you can enjoy what you prepared without inconvenience. Follow these simple tips and we assure you that the waste of food in your kitchen will be less and less, you can also take advantage of the leftovers to prepare soups and stews.  Click to upload survey

Original source in Spanish

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