Lawyers reject the attempt to politicize the issue of garbage in Ahome

Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- The collection of garbage in Ahome should not be politicized to destabilize the service, the law should not be mixed with politics, said the president of the Mexican Alliance of Lawyers of Sinaloa, Ricardo Beltrán Verduzco.He commented that despite being an obligation of the authorities the cleaning, collection and treatment of garbage in the municipalities; however, if the Cabildo determines that an individual will perform that service and meets all the requirements, there is no breach of the authority.” In the case of the municipality of Ahome, the law should not be distorted by political appetites or through political issues and mix them to try to confuse society, arguing that citizens are defended, “he said. Read more: Insecurity has not slowed down Sinaloa’s investment: AdecemBeltrán Verduzco said that the issue of garbage, contracts is not a new issue, this is more than 20 years old. The municipality of Ahome has worked with individuals; municipalities are free to manage their estate and can make the decisions.” I understand that garbage collection is concessioned to a different company than the one that had been doing it, under the procedures and arguments that the Cabildo determined,” he said. Likewise, Beltrán Verduzco insisted that as long as human rights or the guarantees enshrined in the General Constitution of the Republic are not violated, we all have to adhere to that will.” I am surprised that this issue is being given such a stir since each city council decides whether or not to concession garbage collection. There are municipalities that decided not to concession and provide the service directly,” he said. In the same sense, he stressed that if any administrative procedure was not well, the non-conformist must go to the court of administrative justice, as long as it is carried out with verifiable arguments.” Now there is a political interest or the table is being moved by someone and wants to create a political controversy or a political destabilization in Ahome,” he said. Beltran Verduzco acknowledged that so far Ahome has no political controversies, but apparently there is someone who wants to make noise with the issue of garbage collection.” We strongly reject the use of legal precepts or legal tricks for a political appetite. We bet on legality so that there is harmony in the municipal government,” he stressed. Finally, Ricardo Beltrán said that they are against characters who try to destabilize authority. If we endorse anyone who acts with solid arguments, we will always defend legality, but not that law is mixed with politics. Read more: AMLO, agree with the construction of the fertilizer plant in Sinaloa because people were consulted “We are fed up and tired of trying to violate the law trying to confuse the law or society. If garbage collection is done according to the contract, there is no problem. The law should not be mixed with politics, we will not allow that,” he stressed.

Original source in Spanish

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