Legislative emergencies: Minister Jackson had coordination meeting with boards of directors of the House and Senate

The Minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency (Segpres), Giorgio Jackson, met on Tuesday with the boards of directors and presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, Raúl Soto (PPD) and Álvaro Elizalde (PS), respectively. The objective of the meetings was to define the legislative urgencies of the Executive.
After the meeting with Deputy Soto and the Vice President of the Chamber, Alexis Sepúlveda (PR), Jackson said that “we want to build them (the legislative priorities) after the fruit of the dialogue with both Chambers,” reports La Tercera.
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Meanwhile, Raul Soto said that “we have had a very positive meeting. The government has conveyed to us a little what it is thinking from the point of view of the legislative itinerary for this year, the priorities, the urgencies, the review of the motions and messages that are in the folder, where the emphasis will be placed.”
For his part, the president of the Senate, Álvaro Elizalde, said that “we are going to send our proposal to the government, we are going to work with the committees.”
“The government is also going to send us its different priorities and on that basis there will be a dialogue coordination between two branches of the State that are independent, that are autonomous, but that must be coordinated for a legislative work of excellence,” added the PS senator.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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