The INE ordered to download contents on the inauguration of the AIFA

The National Electoral Institute (INE) ordered the Presidency of the Republic to remove from the federal government’s website the audios, videos and texts that recorded the morning conference on Monday, March 21, as well as the inauguration of the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA).
The Agency’s Complaints and Denunciations Commission determined that these contents violate the current ban due to the process of revocation of the mandate. At your discretion, these materials exhibit government works, so they can be taken as official propaganda disseminated in a prohibited period.
“It was estimated that during the morning conference of March 21, 2022 visible on the portal of the government of Mexico disseminates government activities, linked to the achievements and actions of the government, such as the opening and operation of the Felipe Angeles International Airport, highlighting the coverage, investment and benefits that this work entails, which, in appearance of good law, it could constitute government propaganda and is prohibited during the process of revocation of mandate,” the INE said Wednesday in a statement.

#BoletínINE | @INEMexico issues a precautionary measure to the Presidency of the Republic and orders it to withdraw government propaganda.
— @INEMexico (@INEMexico) March 23, 2022

With this, it was also ordered that the interventions made that day by the head of government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, be suppressed; Governor Alfredo del Mazo of the State of Mexico; the Secretary of Defense, Luis Cresencio Sandoval; General Gustavo Ricardo Vallejo, of the AIFA engineering group, and Isidoro Pastor Román, director of the new air terminal.
The councilors stressed that the decree published on March 17, according to which the statements of officials cannot be considered government propaganda, does not apply to the recall process because it is already underway, as defined by the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) on March 18.

In its resolution, the Complaints and Denunciations Commission established that the removal of these contents must occur within a period not exceeding three hours from the federal authorities being notified.
On Monday morning, President López Obrador, his cabinet and other officials inaugurated the AIFA, the first major work of this six-year term. The president said that day that the next ones will be the Dos Bocas Refinery, in Tabasco, and the Mayan Train.
Read also: Between batons and vendors, AMLO inaugurates the AIFA
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Original source in Spanish

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