The alleged femicide of a 13-year-old girl is arrested in Ecatepec, Edomex

Authorities in Ecatepec, State of Mexico, confirmed the arrest of José Manuel “N”, allegedly responsible for the femicide of Atena, a 13-year-old girl committed on March 6. 
The mayor of Ecatepec, Fernando Vilchis, announced in a video that the elements of the municipal police managed to arrest the alleged person responsible for the femicide that occurred in the Fovissste Housing Unit José María Morelos y Pavón.

#Justicia | I congratulate the elements of the @DSPyTEcatepec who participated in the arrest of a subject allegedly related to the femicide of a minor in the Fovissste housing unit. #MunicipioConValores

— Fernando Vilchis (@FerVilchisMx) March 26, 2022

Read more | “We love each other alive”: Women protest against femicides, disappearances and violence in the states
On March 8, International Women’s Day, relatives of victims of femicide marched in Ecatepec, one of the most violent for women in the country, to demand an end to the aggressions and also impunity.

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Original source in Spanish

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