Health calls to participate in Vaccine Trial Patria against COVID; these are the requirements

The Ministry of Health issued an official call where it invites the population to participate in the phase 2 clinical study of reinforcement in the Patria vaccine, developed in Mexico against COVID-19.
According to the agency, the Patria project has passed preclinical tests in living beings and phase 1 clinics in humans, which were carried out between 2020 and 2021.
“The scientific results obtained are very promising and suggest that the Patria vaccine development is potentially safe and protects against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease,” said the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt).

According to the authorities, this trial seeks to test the effectiveness of Patria as a reinforcement for those who already have a complete vaccination scheme against COVID.
The study requires the participation of more than 400 volunteers, so he called on people to participate, meeting the following requirements:

Living in Mexico City.

Be 18 years of age or older.
Have received, at least 4 months in advance, a complete vaccination schedule for any COVID-19 vaccine.
Have not had respiratory illnesses during the past 21 days.
Not be pregnant, nor breastfeeding.
Have a good general state of health.
In case of presenting any chronic disease, it must be controlled for at least three months prior to the start of the study.
Not be participating in another study protocol.

If you meet the profile, you will need to fill out an online form.

“The Phase 2 Reinforcement study is designed to obtain intermediate results in a short time, which will allow accelerated progress to the next stage of the study, Phase 3 Reinforcement (F3R), for which an estimated 30,000 volunteers are required. Therefore, the registration form will remain open for more participants to register,” the authorities announced.
Once the testing process is completed, Mexico would have two production plants installed by the Avimex laboratory, one of them is already in operation and is where the vaccines for the tests of the first phase have been produced.
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Original source in Spanish

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