Daniel Bisogno’s house catches fire while on TV

CDMX.- Again the television host Daniel Bisogno gave news this Wednesday, April 6 when it was announced that a fire was registered in his house, this, hours after it was said, will formalize his relationship with the young Jesús Castillo.This was announced in the program Ventaneando, where he explained that the fire began with a spark that jumped into the garden and burned a bamboo that was completely dry. Cristina Riva Palacio, ex-wife of “El Muñe”, tried to give notice to the driver, but when she failed to do so she called Mónica Castañeda so that everyone knew what was happening in the house located in central Mexico.Daniel Bisogno explained that 13 patrols and the fire department arrived at the site to control the fire that had spread in part of the house and garden of a neighbor. Fortunately the fire did not damage the adjoining house. The man who will soon join his life detailed that it all began because a group of people was waterproofing the property, when, when using a blowtorch a spark jumped on the aforementioned plant. Read more: Alfredo Adame confessed what the psychiatrist told him about his recent fightBisogno was trending the last two days because TVNotas magazine assured, the Tv Azteca host will propose marriage to his 26-year-old boyfriend.
My name is Juan Pablo Chaidez Aispuro, born in Culiacán, Sinaloa in a small family whose nucleus was originally made up of four people: father, mother and two children. From my early years I showed a taste for watching news and staying informed. I was a graduate of the 2014 – 2018 generation of the degree in Journalism, from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS), the first in that career since its opening.  As for the professional experience, I was able to gain apprenticeship during a period of six months in the sports area of the newspaper Noroeste, where I did professional practices. Later, I had the opportunity to spend another six months in the ranks of Radio Sinaloa, particularly in the news program Informativo Puro Sinaloa, of the state government. There I covered local issues, recorded voice for the newscast, contributed content for other broadcasts and had live participation. Since 2020 I am in Debate, a company that opened the doors for me to integrate as a web reporter, and months later to occupy the position of Editor in the site Debate.com.mx. See more

Original source in Spanish

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