Covid-19: Minister Yarza assures that we are in a phase of less circulation but clarifies that “we continue to have deaths”

In Chile it is no longer mandatory to wear a mask in open spaces. Covid-19 infections show a downward trend and the same happens with the deaths associated with the disease caused by coronavirus. However, despite the good symptoms, Health Minister María Begoña Yarza, along with affirming that the country is in a phase of less circulation, warned that “the pandemic continues and that is the most important concept.”
The head of minsal made a positive assessment of the pandemic situation and in that sense highlighted the actions of Chilean women. “They have assumed that care is individual and collective, people have taken the indications very well. One has to assess individual risks. The understanding of the communities is very good, the balance is positive,” the secretary of state told Radio Cooperativa.
Minister Yarza added that “people have taken the indications very well, one has to evaluate the individual risks and, although in the free space one has to verify that they are not effectively in a situation of agglomeration (…) and if not, there’s the mask.”
“People are still wearing the mask, they keep leaving their house with the mask,” he said.
The Secretary of State recalled anyway that “we continue to have deaths.” “The pandemic continues and that is the most important concept. We are in a phase of less circulation. We have very good levels of vaccine coverage, but the pandemic continues, that is the daily reminder that we have to continue taking care of ourselves,” said Dr. Yarza.
The calendar is progressing weekly and, therefore, “we continue to incorporate groups that meet the five and six months of vaccination,” he added.
“After six months, the immune response begins to decrease; so that’s why we call our vaccination has to be dynamic. What I have to have is an effective vaccination,” said the head of the Health portfolio.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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