Without air conditioners go to virtual socks, school of Culiacán

Sinaloa.- With the facilities of the air conditioners destroyed and without computers, they left the Lic. Benito Juárez school in the Cañadas neighborhood, in Culiacán, during the pandemic; for that reason, the students of the morning and evening shift returned to virtual classes. Optimal conditions The decision that the children do not return to face-to-face was approved by the directors of both shifts and the teachers, who demand that the conditions of the infrastructure be optimal. The director of the morning shift, Adolfo Castro, is firm in pointing out that they need the reinstallation of air conditioners to be able to return in person, because with the heat that it is in the municipality it is a difficult situation to cope, and more with the students inside the classrooms. Read more: Tere Guerra: Care for children and women must be strengthenedExpliced that, like the other schools, they returned to face-to-face in January of this year; but, after the Easter holidays, teachers returned to teach through screens, cell phones and tablets, which is not good for students. The director of the evening shift, Guadalupe Ruelas Espinoza, commented that they do not want to expose students to suffer from a disease due to high temperatures, so she said that what the third article establishes has to be enforced: “a quality education”, since teachers give their best effort in virtual classes, but the result does not compare with face-to-face classes. Ruelas Espinoza said that for a year they did all the paperwork to be able to collect insurance for school robberies; however, the response they received from the corresponding authorities is that they must wait, since it is a long process, and that despairs them. Cyclist returned from the tacos when men aboard car and motorcycle chased her in Morelia 

Original source in Spanish

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