Subject assaults ticket seller in Oaxaca

Oaxaca.- A man lost control and assaulted a woman who was dispatching a ticket office at the transport company, Huatulco 2000 line in Oaxaca. The terrifying moment was captured by security cameras of the establishment. The video was disseminated through social networks and it shows how the discussion gets out of control and from one moment to the next the man begins to hit the glass of the box office. Apparently the argument began because the aggressor asked the person in charge of the ticket office to change the ticket because he had lost the trip. However, the employee did not agree because she replied that it was the passenger’s responsibility to arrive on time and as indicated. After this, the man, who was wearing an orange T-shirt and jeans, took a thermos and threw it against the glass of the window of the locker. He then went to the door and tried to open it by hitting it. In the video you can see how the man breaks the glass, while the woman screams in fear and asks him to fence. It was seconds later that the man realized that he cut his arm and asked for help to help him. You may also be interestedFind five migrants killed in train hopper in Piedras Negras, CoahuilaViolence in Tijuana: Man killed in front of funeral home and patrols burned in ComandanciaThey arrest “El Mara” for the murder of journalists Yesenia and Sheila in Veracruz”Call an ambulance I am bleeding, call an ambulance!, please miss call an ambulance I am bleeding”, mentions the man. Subject assaults ticket seller in Oaxaca

Original source in Spanish

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