Senator Insulza for accusations of “inaction” of the Armed Forces: “I think we must tell our Forces of Order that in a flagrant case they have to act using their weapons”

Senator José Miguel Insulza (PS) referred to the accusations of “inaction” of Forestal Arauco against the Armed Forces, after they did not arrive before an attack -perpetrated by unknown persons- in Curanilahue, Biobío region, despite being alerted. In this regard, he indicated that the Forces of Order “are not too clear about what things are allowed” in the State of Exception that governs in the provinces of Biobío and Arauco, in the Biobío region, and throughout La Araucanía.
The legislator criticized that the State of Exception is limited to routes, as defined by the Executive. “The best demonstration of the limited state was made by the criminals who walk in La Araucanía, and yesterday a huge number of secondary roads were cut,” Insulza said in conversation with Emol.
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“The State of Exception in the Constitution does not consider limitation (…) What we have approved is the State of Emergency, as it is in the Constitution and in the law, which does not distinguish between places,” he said.
He also said that “the big problem is that frankly our Forces of Order and I suspect that it also reaches the military, they are not too clear about what things are allowed and what things are not. There is no manual.”
“I think our strength is always afraid to prostrate itself. I think we have to clearly tell the Forces of Order that in a flagrant case like yesterday’s they have to act using their weapons,” said senator PS.
Recall that for the episode in Curanilahue, the Undersecretary of the Interior, Manuel Monsalve, indicated on Wednesday that the government would ask the Armed Forces for explanations.
Monsalve commented on Thursday that “all the background was requested, otherwise there are some antecedents that have already arrived, they were the reason for conversation. All of us who are here, who make up the Ministry of the Interior, the Armed Forces, the police, we all have to report to the President of the Republic.”

“The Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the heads of National Defense, together with the police, tomorrow (Friday) will make a proposal to improve the protocols for the response to acts of violence,” the undersecretary added.

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