Charly Garcia reappeared publicly in a radio interview

The singer’s last public appearance had been in October last year, when the Kirchner Cultural Center celebrated his 70th birthday. Almost a year later and after having recovered from a burn that forced him to be hospitalized in February, Charly García gave a telephone interview to the program “Qué me contás” by El Destape Radio.La Argentine rock legend said that he is “well and surrounded by beautiful people”, reviewed the beginnings of his career, his influences and said that he is working on new material. 
“There was a time when I got bored of classical music, and then there were the Beatles, who were pulling elsewhere, and my interest in looking for new things,” Charly said of his early career. The artist began studying at the Conservatory at the age of 5 and at 13 he already had the title of professor of classical music.
“At one point I saw that I liked the Rolling Stones and The Beatles more, and I felt like a sign.”

The bird-making machine.

After being asked about his influences when composing, García highlighted the works of Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan, especially during the years when he was a member of the band La máquina de hacer pájaros. Then, they reminded him of the letter he wrote to Diego Maradona in November 2020. In the text he shared on his Instagram account, he had written: “I hope you are in the 27 club with Kurt Cobain, Brian Jones and good people. Wait for me there… Invite the house. Make no mistake about paradise.” Charly said he got along very well with the Ten and that he “had a mischievous and witty humor.”
Finally, he referenced Spotify and new ways of listening to music and admitted that while he gets along well with technology, he still prefers records. 
In this note:

Original source in Spanish

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