Pinamar: a couple was assaulted by a group of criminals

A businessman and his wife were assaulted and beaten in their home in the seaside resort of Pinamar by a group of criminals who stole cash from them, sources of the investigation reported today. The incident occurred last night in a house located in Del Juncal at 1200 of the aforementioned municipality of the Atlantic coast, where José Alba, linked to the broadcasting sector, and his wife Susana live there.Sources of the investigation reported that it all began when three criminals entered the property through the ventilation of a bathroom and surprised the couple who were inside. The assailants threatened the couple with taking the woman away if they did not give them money and beat them. According to the sources, the gang scrambled several sectors of the house until they stole several cash, between pesos and dollars. After the assault, the criminals escaped with the loot and the victims called the emergency number 911.Police personnel carried out the corresponding surveys and tried to identify the thieves. The fact is investigated by personnel of the prosecutor’s office in decentralized shift in Pinamar, Dolores Judicial Department.

Original source in Spanish

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