Health warns of new spike in COVID cases in October

Although in Mexico there are six weeks with a downward trend in COVID infections, the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, warned that in October there could be a new uptick in coronavirus cases.
At a press conference, he indicated that in the world there is already a synchronization of the disease with the cold seasons; however, in our country “we still have epidemic waves outside the cold season.”
“We do not rule out that October, November and December could be a rebound again that means the establishment of a more regular pattern in the cold seasons and this is the general prediction we have for Covid-19,” he said.

He added that COVID can be established as an endemic disease with increases and decreases in cases as is the characteristic of respiratory diseases, “increases with the cold and reduces in hot season.”
Read: COVID: Why T-Cell Vaccines Could Be the Key to Long-Term Immunity
López-Gatell explained that currently hospital occupancy reports 6% in general beds to attend COVID and 2% in intensive care units.

The Undersecretary @HLGatell points out that there are already six weeks down in COVID cases, and says that a rebound in the cold season is not ruled out as it has been seen to be the trend worldwide and as it happens with respiratory diseases.
— Animal Político (@Pajaropolitico) August 23, 2022

Mexico began the penultimate week of August with one thousand 187 cases of COVID and the number of accumulated cases reached 6 million 977 thousand 780, the federal Ministry of Health reported yesterday.
In its daily technical report, it detailed that 329,103 people have died from the pandemic.
Read: Covid was worse than cancer
Regarding the issue of vaccination, Undersecretary López-Gatell reported that progress continues to be made in the application of doses for children from 5 to 11 years of age, where a coverage of 42% is already reported.
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Original source in Spanish

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