Surviving suicide: “The pain can be overcome”

The suicide does not want to die, he wants to stop suffering. Leaving behind the idea of finding yourself in a dead end can be a long and complex process. 
Asking for help can be a very difficult step for some. Given this premise, being alert to the signs or changes in behavior of our loved ones or acquaintances is essential. It usually tends to normalize if a person begins to be more lonely; if you sleep a little or a lot; You lose or gain weight or if you have mood swings or modify your routine from one moment to the next. Aspects as common as these are warning signs and could hide suicidal behaviors.
Wanting to end a life can be due to multiple causes. Wounds that can leave traces such as being a victim of bullying, work and / or sexual; feeling lonely and empty or having financial problems and feeling overwhelmed by debt. Other factors may be mental health problems such as depression, bipolarity, schizophrenia, personality disorders, problematic alcohol and/or drug use; etc. In addition, it is essential to include the LGBT population that is highly affected by mental health problems related to stigma and discrimination so suicidal ideation and attempt are more prevalent than in the hetero-cis population. In all these cases, having a strong support network is essential.
Currently in our country the people who commit suicide the most are those over 80 years old, the loss of role, occupation, economic status, and loved ones, could be the main factors that trigger suicide in this age group. Between the ages of 15 and 29 is the range in which more suicide attempts occur. Worldwide, one person every 40 seconds commits suicide according to WHO data. It is estimated that between 7 or 8 people close to the person who committed suicide are deeply affected by this event and with mental health problems, such as depressive, anxious or adaptive disorders. Another relevant fact is that out of every four people who commit suicide, three are men. 
Family networks and friends are critical to sustaining this pain and overcoming it. Hopelessness is often a common factor in suicidal ideation. Although the process of a suicide attempt is different depending on the case and severity, it is important to enhance the tools to deal with suffering. Accompanying, supporting, being aware of services and help lines is paramount. Talking about suicide prevention is a fundamental task of the whole society. Helping to contain and overcome that pain is everyone’s job.

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Original source in Spanish

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