AMLO leads march to the Zocalo; They mobilize people in trucks

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador leads a massive march of the Angel of Independence to the Zócalo in Mexico City on Sunday, in order to commemorate four years of his administration.
Thousands of people walk on Paseo de la Reforma to support the president. 
For the mobilization of attendees, hundreds of buses were used that arrived in the area early and parked in the vicinity of the road.

There are vehicles and contingents from Sinaloa, Puebla, Chiapas and Tabasco, according to testimonies collected by Political Animal.

➡️ Some roads are overwhelmed by the presence of buses and other vehicles in which the demonstrators arrived.
— Political Animal (@Pajaropolitico) November 27, 2022

Puebla Gov. Miguel Barbosa told reporters before the march began that he expects 1 million people to attend.

See also: Between signs of support and denunciations, AMLO seeks to demonstrate his popularity with a massive march
Barbosa is just one of the Morena politicians who come to the mobilization. There are also, among others, three candidates for the party’s presidential candidacy in 2024: the head of the capital’s government, Claudia Sheinbaum, and the secretaries of the Interior, Adán Augusto López, and Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard.

United waiting for our president @lopezobrador_ #MarchaDelPueblo
— Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum (@Claudiashein) November 27, 2022

There are also officials at various levels, legislators and party leaders.
Over the last few days, the intention of the government and Morena to summon thousands has generated accusations from opposition politicians that there will be “carrying” and use of public resources in the march. Former President Felipe Calderon signaled this yesterday in a message on Twitter.

The haulage is so crude that they have had to admit it. In addition to the crimes committed, among others the massive diversion of public resources, in doing so they are admitting that they no longer have the strength to organize a voluntary rally, without payment or threat. They were afraid to do it.
— Felipe Calderón 🇺🇦 (@FelipeCalderon) November 26, 2022

The mayor of Cuauhtémoc, Sandra Cuevas, who came to office nominated by a PAN-PRI-PRD alliance, also accused “carrying” and that elements of the National Guard will be dressed in civilian clothes.

“The March of @lopezobrador_’s Farewell.” The @GN_MEXICO_ will participate dressed in civilian clothes and the @SSPCMexico will deploy its logistics apparatus. As mayor of #Cuauhtémoc I reiterate coordination in matters of security, in addition to exhibiting the overwhelmed and shameless haulage that will occur.
— Sandra Cuevas (@SandraCuevas_) November 27, 2022

On Friday, in his morning press conference, López Obrador ironized about this and said that there will be many “carried” because there are many people who are happy with his administration.
Although they are not government media but of the State, Channel 22 and Channel 11 broadcast the president’s departure.
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Original source in Spanish

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