Pure cumbia and Argentine pride: this was the Damas Gratis show

“We’re going to dance until 6 in the morning,” said Pablo Lescano in front of a crowd of fans who were willing to accompany him until that time. That was the level of energy that was handled last night in the show, where they demonstrated once again their unchanging love for cumbia, this time in full handle of the end of the World Cup.***Hours before the match of Argentina v Netherlands in the Quarterfinals of the World Cup, Damas Gratis stepped on the Villa Crespo stadium for the first time. Hours before his people were ready, gathered outside the premises with fernet or wine in hand. Inside, those who entered did not stop shaking: “Boys, now I turn to illusion.” So was Pablo Lescano, who took the stage with the stanzas of the Argentine national anthem and the flag behind. With that latent passion began the show, which although it was a little delayed lasted for three hours. The band reviewed their discography and 20 years of experience, from their greatest hits such as “Se te ve la tanga”, “Los dueños del pabellón”, “Mirá cómo está la vagancia”, “El humo de mi fasito”, “Industria argentina”, “Ella”, “El vago Fumanchu”, to their most recent songs such as “Me vas a extrañar”, “Perrito Malvado”, “No te creas tan importante”. For that he had the presence of numerous guests: Karina La Princesita, Dante Spinetta, Emanuel Noir de Ke Personajes, El Viejo Marquez, L-Gante, Chanchin, AB Quintanilla, Cata Vallenato, Rei and Callejero Fino -with whom he presented his new song ‘Un tín tín’. The tribute to cumbia came not only with his repertoire, but also with his version of hits such as “Yo tomo licor” by Amar Azul or “La danza de Los Mirlos” by the Peruvian group. After an interval of 15 minutes in the middle of the night, the band returned with the song of “happy birthday” to Pablo Lescano, who welcomed his 45th birthday live. With a live cake and a special video clip put together for the occasion, the singer thanked all the love and love of the public.” Is it already? Were they happy?”, harangued Lescano, who in each song asked for palms, hands up and “to rot”. Without a defined list of songs, the band measured the energy of the public and bet on the meeting, enjoyment and dance of the popular party.***”They want to get me down and they don’t know how to do,” said the shirt that Lescano wore on stage, and that made it clear that, like the World Cup moves emotions and Argentine pride, so does cumbia, passions that are simply felt and that Damas Gratis understands very well.

Original source in Spanish

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