A year after the gang rape in Palermo: the complaint of the young woman and how the case continues

Tuesday, February 28, marks one year since the case of a gang rape executed against a 21-year-old woman in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Palermo. In the framework of this case, the victim denounced that one of the accused sent her a video from prison to her Instagram and requested a perimeter measure and prohibition of contact against the six accused. This was reported by the agency Argentine News (NA), which reported that the complaint was filed by the victim’s lawyers, Hugo Figueroa and Osvaldo Cantoro, said that the file “was sent from the profile. THpluggg belonging to the accused Fabián Domínguez that contained a link to a 36-minute video entitled ‘Palermo Case: it was all a lie.'” Allegedly, the recording shows a young woman who takes archival material and from an analysis opposed to the investigation and the evidence of the complaint, defends the accused. Along with Dominguez, Angel Ramos, Lautaro Ciongo Pasotti, Steven Cuzzoni, Franco Lykan and Ignacio Retondo are accused, who will appear at oral trial in the middle of this year under the crimes of simple threats, sexual abuse with carnal access aggravated by the intervention of two or more people and minor injuries, in real competition with each other. Tomorrow, Tuesday, marks one year since the gang rape in Palermo | For the Oral Criminal Court (TOC) 14 in charge of Hugo Cataldi, Domingo Altieri and Gabriel Vega, the main defendants are Ramos and Pastti since the experts identified samples of their semen in the car where they grabbed the young woman. However, the complaint will argue the guilt of the entire group: by pointing out that “the result does not exempt the rest of the group, since everyone is attributed a responsibility.” In this sense, the Prosecutor’s Office will assure the judges that the accused acted “based on a previous plan with division of tasks, which allows them to attribute the totality of the common work.” The crime was committed on Monday, February 28 in the Buenos Aires area of Palermo Soho, at 1300 Serrano Street. At that moment a couple, owner of a bakery, and a neighbor intervened when they noticed the abuse of the young woman inside a Volkswagen Gol parked next to the sidewalk. There, Dominguez and Retondo sang and played the guitar as a “bell”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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