Procrear II: new credits will be opened for people between 18 and 35 years old

The Ministry of Territorial Development reported the opening of registrations for the Urban Development program Procrear II next Wednesday, April 26 at 10 in the morning. The program will be aimed at young people from 18 to 35 years old and 13 municipalities in the province of Buenos Aires are included, according to the secretary of the portfolio Luciano Scatolini. Registration for more Procrear II homes opens! We are very happy to announce that the modality Urban Developments Young Destination is added, with the aim of promoting that people between 18 and 35 can access their own home, “announced the Ministry registration through the account of the program on Twitter. “In the case of the province of Buenos Aires, there are 13 municipalities” that will enter the draw, said the national official and explained that although “the problems that society as a whole has” to access housing are understood, “the younger sectors also have the difficulty of not having the years of savings that are often needed. ” The Secretary of Territorial Development of the Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat of the Nation reported that, among the requirements, those interested must “be people who can demonstrate that they could pay the monotributo 12 months before the draw or have a relationship of dependency and, then, depending on the value of the house, that they can pay a fee that represents up to 25% of the income. ”

Original source in Spanish

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