Agustín Rossi said that “we are going to make a good STEP, being the most voted formula”

After having been ratified as a pre-candidate for vice president in the formula of Union for the Fatherland in which he accompanies Sergio Massa, Agustín Rossi returned to make statements about what will be the future national elections. In a dialogue with Futurock, the current cabinet chief said that “it is a lie that next year will be one of suffering,” and that “there is an issue that the ruling party has shown, which is the responsibility to face the challenges facing Argentina in the most harmonious way possible.” In addition, as for political rivals in the elections, he said that “there are three spaces, but two projects,” and added that “we are going to make a good PASO, being the most voted formula.” Given the past that Sergio Massa had and his differences with Peronism, he was responsible for being clear that “just as there were differences in the past, today we have coincidences in the present and future.” That is why he was convinced that the current economy minister “is going to be the next president of all Argentines.” Finally, he closed by referring to the past government of Together for Change: “The right only governed four years in the last time and put a debt of 45 billion dollars. That cannot happen again in Argentina.”

Original source in Spanish

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