The disclaimer of Juana Repetto in the face of criticism for her campaign against the carriages

With the arrival of the winter holidays, the places destined for children become somewhat chaotic due to the large influx of children willing to play and spend energy. However, a post by Juana Repetto, mother of Toribio and Belisario caught the attention of users who strongly criticized her position, after she told a bad experience in a manual carriage with her eldest son. There, after showing the accident that Toro suffered when trying to get off the game, maneuvered by other children, the influencer pointed out the dangers of this type of buggies and initiated, first, a call to “prohibit the buggies”. Quickly the post turned against him and far from receiving support, a waterfall of hater invaded his social networks so he went out to make a disclaimer on the subject: I do not stop getting messages with the subject of the buggy … Notes on television of calesiteros disowning me. I uploaded a post and had to take out the comment option because all the comments were mocking me ‘close the beaches because the boys are in danger,'” he began expressing. First, how aggressive everything is, what a horror. Second, the calesiteros and the media, what’s wrong with them? I put that my son had hurt himself in the buggy, you began to tell me barbarities of things that have happened in the buggies. So, I, as a ‘che, who is there to close them? We all hate them,'” he continued in his explanation. “I put that in a single story, I said ‘campaign to close the buggies’, with the buggy in which Toro was hurt in the background, that is, there is no doubt what carriage I am talking about … I didn’t do anything wrong, point one… Closing the carriage of the square does not take away anyone’s work, we pay for it together, “he argued. “What I was saying is that I do not understand why so much viciousness, they are mistreating me bocha, they are telling me horrible things, and the truth is that I did nothing wrong, it was a story that should have gone unnoticed. I honestly never thought about campaigning, I have no time or intention, nor am I interested in campaigning for anything,” he said Juana.Al time he remarked: “That story would have passed by if they did not raise it from all sides. But still, given the importance they are giving it, it does not anyone either, so why do they mistreat me so much?” he asked. “Why are they talking so much crap about my children, about how I raise them? If there is something where I am safe and it does not affect me is in how I raise my children in relation to freedom, there are other things that as a mother give me insecurity and that I give myself with the whip, but just the freedom with which I raise them … It doesn’t go there, I’m very sure about that,” she concluded.

Original source in Spanish

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