The tense cross between Roberto Navarro and Juan Grabois

A week before the primary elections on August 13, journalist Roberto Navarro crossed paths with the presidential candidate of Union for the Fatherland, Juan Grabois, due to a proposal. Through his Twitter account, Navarro said: “You can not agree with Bullrich in removing the compensation burden from @JuanGrabois companies. If they comply with the law they will not suffer any trial. If you change the compensation for insurance you leave their hands free to kick out, add more costs and give a business to banks. ” This is due to a video he shared with a statement in which the social leader in which he said: “The main problem that the SME entrepreneur has is the panic of being melted by a labor lawsuit. We’re going to implement judicial contingency insurance so that the guy knows that the day he has a trial he’s going to have a backup.” He also assured that “this does not take away workers’ rights. The worker makes the same judgment. Change who pays. For the SME entrepreneur it is a suffering because they are ordinary people who are not used to dealing with lawsuits.” Before the viralization of this publication, many users responded to the journalist showing their disagreement with the position and showing themselves close to the main competitor of Sergio Massa in the interior of the space.

Original source in Spanish

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